Donald W. Parry, "Prophecies of Jesus Christ’s Mortal Ministry and Atonement," in The Jesus Christ Focused Old Testament: Making Sense of a Monumental Book (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022).
The prophets’ chief message to the world’s inhabitants is Jesus Christ—His birth, nature, character, mortal ministry, sufferings, atoning sacrifice, death, Resurrection, Second Coming, and Millennial reign.
Joseph Smith taught this important truth: “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.” All Old Testament prophets taught and prophesied of Jesus Christ. Jacob, the brother of Nephi, wrote, “Behold, I say unto you that none of the prophets have written, nor prophesied, save they have spoken concerning this Christ” (Jacob 7:11; see also Luke 24:27). Acts 10:43 states, “To him give all the prophets witness.”
This chart sets forth a selection of Old Testament prophecies concerning Jesus Christ.
Prophecies of Jesus Christ’s Mortal Ministry and Atonement
Prophecy | Scripture Reference |
Jesus’s Forerunner | John precedes Jesus as “the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness” (Isa. 40:3). |
Jesus’s Birth | Jesus is born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14).
“Unto us a child is born” (Isa. 9:6–7). “He shall grow up . . . as a tender plant” (Isa. 53:2). He is a descendent of Jesse (Isa. 11:1). He is a descendent of David (Jer. 23:5; 33:15). He comes forth from Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). |
Jesus’s Names | He is named “Immanuel” (Isa. 7:14).
He is named “Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6–7). |
Jesus’s Childhood | He comes out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1).
He lives in Nazareth (see Matt. 2:23). |
Jesus’s Disposition | “He had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth” (Isa. 53:9).
He is righteous (Jer. 23:5–6). He is “a man of sorrows” (Isa. 53:3). He is “acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). He serves as a loving shepherd (Gen. 49:24; Isa. 40:10–11; Ezek. 34:11–31). He delights to do God’s will (Ps. 40:7–8). He is full of understanding and power (Isa. 11:1–5). He is a light out of darkness (Isa. 9:1–2). He is a sure foundation and cornerstone (Isa. 28:16). |
Jesus’s Ministry | He will “preach good tidings unto the meek” (Isa. 61:1).
His teachings are rejected (Isa. 6:9–10). He dwells “beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations” (Isa. 9:1–2). He has a zeal for God’s house (Ps. 69:9). He prays for His adversaries (Ps. 109:4). He is a priest after the order of Melchizedek (Ps. 110:1–4). He is a priest upon His throne (Zech. 6:12–13). He comes in the Lord’s name (Ps. 118:26). “He shall not fail nor be discouraged” (Isa. 42:4). He teaches with parables (Ps. 78:2; Matt. 13:35). |
Jesus’s Compassion | “He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted” (Isa. 61:1).
He comforts “all that mourn” (Isa. 61:2). |
Jesus’s Rejection by the People | People “hid [their] faces from him” (Isa. 53:3).
People “esteemed him not” (Isa. 53:3). People “like sheep have gone astray” (Isa. 53:6). He is a stumbling block and snare to Israel and Jerusalem’s inhabitants (Isa. 8:13–15). He is rejected like a building stone that is rejected by builders (Ps. 118:21–22). He is hated for no reason (Ps. 35:19). He is hated without a cause (Ps. 69:4). |
Jesus’s Triumphal Entry | He is a king who comes to Jerusalem, “lowly, and riding upon an ass” (Zech. 9:9). |
Jesus’s Betrayal | He is betrayed by a familiar friend (Ps. 41:9).
He is betrayed for “thirty pieces of silver” (Zech. 11:12). The thirty pieces of silver are cast to the potter (Zech. 11:13). |
Jesus’s Trial | False witnesses rise up (Ps. 35:11).
He is silent before His accusers (Isa. 53:7). He hides not His “face from shame and spitting” (Isa. 50:6). |
Jesus’s Sufferings | His visage is marred (Isa. 52:14).
“He is despised and rejected” (Isa. 53:3). “Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows” (Isa. 53:4). “He was wounded” (Isa. 53:5). He is “bruised” (Isa. 53:5). He receives “stripes” (Isa. 53:5). He gives His “back to the smiters” and His “cheeks to them that plucked off the hair” (Isa. 50:6). He hides not His “face from shame and spitting” (Isa. 50:6). “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted” (Isa. 53:7). “He opened not his mouth” (Isa. 53:7). He is “stricken” (Isa. 53:8). He is smitten (Zech. 13:7; Matt. 26:31). |
Jesus’s Atonement | “He has borne our griefs . . . carried our sorrows” (Isa. 53:4).
“He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities” (Isa. 53:5). “The Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all” (Isa. 53:6). “For the transgressions of [Isaiah’s] people was he stricken” (Isa. 53:8). “He shall bear their iniquities” (Isa. 53:11). “He bore the sins of many” (Isa. 53:12). |
Jesus’s Crucifixion | “He was numbered with the transgressors” (Isa. 53:12).
He asks His Father, “Why hast thou forsaken me?” (Ps. 22:1). People laugh at Him and scorn Him (Ps. 22:7, 8). While on the cross He is thirsty (Ps. 22:15). His hands and feet are pierced (Ps. 22:16). Lots are cast for His vesture. (Ps. 22:18). He says, “Into thine hand I commit my spirit” (Ps. 31:5). None of His bones are broken (Ps. 34:20). He is given gall and vinegar to drink (Ps. 69:20–21). He is crucified with a “nail in a sure place” (Isa. 22:23). He is pierced (Zech. 12:10). The piercing causes wounds in His hands (Zech. 13:6). |
Jesus’s Death | “He is brought . . . to the slaughter” (Isa. 53:7).
He is “cut off out of the land of the living” (Isa. 53:8). “He hath poured out his soul unto death” (Isa. 53:12). |
Jesus’s Burial | “He made his grave with the wicked” (Isa. 53:9).
He is “with the rich in his death” (Isa. 53:9). Jonah, who remained three days in the belly of a whale, is a type of Christ, who remains three days and nights in the tomb (Jonah 1:17). |
Jesus’s Resurrection | He “stand[s] at the latter day upon the earth” (Job 19:25) as a resurrected being (cf. 1 Sam 2:6; Ezek. 37:12–13).
His body will not “see corruption” (Ps. 16:9–10). “He will swallow up death in victory” (Isa. 25:8). His “dead body” arises (Isa. 26:19). He destroys graves at the Resurrection (Hosea 13:14). He holds the keys of the Resurrection (Isa. 22:22). |
Jesus’s Exaltation and Blessings | He sits at God’s right hand. (Ps. 110:1)
He is given dominion and glory. (Ps. 72:1–19) He ascends to heaven. (Ps. 68:18) He has an eternal throne and kingdom. (Ps. 45:6) “He shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.” (Isa. 52:13) “He shall see his seed.” (Isa. 53:10) “He shall prolong his days.” (Isa. 53:10) “The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.” (Isa. 53:10) “He . . . shall be satisfied.” (Isa. 53:11) He has “a portion with the great.” (Isa. 53:12) “He shall divide the spoil with the strong.” (Isa. 53:12) |
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